
+91 9110654607


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7 Days Open: 10 AM - 10 PM

In today’s bustling city life in Bangalore, finding time for relaxation and self-care can often fall by the wayside. However, the importance of maintaining one’s well-being amidst the chaos of daily commitments cannot be overstated. This is where Sunrise Beauty Spa steps in, bringing the serene experience of a spa directly to your doorstep with our exceptional Doorstep Massage Service. Here’s why our service is rapidly becoming a must-have for anyone looking to unwind and rejuvenate in the comfort of their own home.

Why Choose Doorstep Massage?

Convenience at Its Best

Imagine finishing a long day of work and stepping straight into a spa-like experience at home. With Sunrise Beauty Spa’s Doorstep Massage Service, you can. Booking a massage is as simple as a few clicks on your phone or a quick phone call. There’s no need to travel across town or struggle to find parking. We bring the best spa treatments right to your living room, allowing you to indulge in a soothing massage without stepping out of your house.

Tailored to Your Needs

Every individual’s body has different needs and stress points. At Sunrise Beauty Spa, we understand this, which is why our therapists are trained to customize treatments according to your specific requirements. Whether it’s a deep tissue massage to relieve tight muscles or a gentle Swedish massage for complete relaxation, our professionals have you covered. Our services are not just limited to massages; we offer a range of therapies including aromatherapy, reflexology, and more, all tailored to enhance your wellbeing.

Certified and Experienced Therapists

When it comes to massage therapy, the quality of the service depends highly on the expertise of the therapist. At Sunrise Beauty Spa, we pride ourselves on collaborating only with certified therapists who have undergone rigorous training and have substantial experience in the field. Our team is equipped with the knowledge and skills to ensure a therapeutic and safe massage experience, adhering to the highest standards of service and hygiene.

Safe and Hygienic Practices

Your safety and health are paramount to us, especially in the current times. Our therapists follow strict hygiene protocols, starting from the use of sanitized tools to wearing masks and using hand sanitizer throughout the service. We also ensure that all linens and materials used are fresh and clean for each session, providing a safe, hygienic, and stress-free environment right at your doorstep.

How It Works

  1. Book Your Session: Choose your preferred date and time through our website or by giving us a call. We offer flexible scheduling to fit your busy lifestyle.
  2. Prepare Your Space: Before the therapist arrives, find a quiet, comfortable area in your home where you can unwind undisturbed. You might want to prepare a space with ample room for a massage table, which our therapist will bring.
  3. Enjoy Your Massage: Our therapist will arrive with all necessary equipment, including a portable massage table, fresh linens, oils, and music, to create a relaxing atmosphere. All you need to do is relax and let the stress melt away.

Customer Testimonials

Don’t just take our word for it; listen to what our satisfied customers have to say:

“I’ve never felt more relaxed. After a long week, having a professional massage at home was exactly what I needed. The therapist was incredibly professional and the service was impeccable.” – Priya K., Bangalore

“Sunrise Beauty Spa’s doorstep service is a game changer. The therapist was on time, the massage was deeply rejuvenating, and I didn’t even have to leave my house. Highly recommended!” – Arjun S., Bangalore

Experience the ultimate convenience and relaxation with Sunrise Beauty Spa’s Doorstep Massage Service in Bangalore. Let us transform your home into a sanctuary of tranquility and healing. Book your session today and take the first step towards a more relaxed and rejuvenated you.

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